I'm Walking The 3 Day!

Oct-2007-I will be participating in an Atlanta 3Day walk that benefits Breast Cancer. Read my 1st post to learn how this started. 3K of us will walk 60miles. Each will have each raised a minimum of $2200. Crew volunteers will spend 4 days in support of us. Our effort is multiplied by 12 cities that will host the3day. I created this blog to keep friends and contributors updated as to what I'm doing and how I'm progressing. Check my links-They'll tell you even more of the story.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm Walking the 3-Day!!

Hello, and welcome to my first ever Blog entry. If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you know me and got an email from me. I'm asking everyone I know to share this so that may well change soon.

What brought me to this point is a combination of things--

  • a co-worker that walked the 3-Day back in the days that it was sponsored by Avon (that's when I first contributed and first learned what this is all about)
  • a friend that trained with 3-day walkers as we both lost weight and became more healthy (that's when I learned how much fun walking could be and what a good social experience it can be)
  • my need to find a way to really focus a good exercise and fitness routine after years of brief and inconsistent efforts
  • my sister's recent diagnosis with breast cancer

My intent for this blog is that it will be a way for me to communicate with those that have been invited to contribute to my effort if they want to keep up with my progress, learn more about it, ask questions, or just interact. Many of you know that I've been active and "on line" since before Al Gore invented the internet. But this is the first time I've done a "me" site so I'm still learning the ropes and welcome your feedback.

There will be links to more information, but here's the answer to a few things you might be asking....

  • What's this 3 Day Thing?
    It is a 30-day, 60 mile walk held in various cities that benefits Breast Cancer prevention. I'm walking in Atlanta and the dates are October 12-14. You can learn more than you ever thought to ask at www.the3day.org.
  • If the walk isn't until next October, why are you asking for money now?
    I paid $90 (non tax deductible and non refundable) to register and commit to this walk. I have committed to two major things--being ready to walk 60 miles in a little less than 9 months and securing a minimum of $2200 in contributions before that walk. The sooner I get my contributions secured, the sooner I can focus exclusively on my training.
  • You're old, fat, and out of shape...what makes me think you'll do this?
    Okay, maybe you didn't think it in quite those words, but let's face it...I'm all of those things. So I'll tackle those one at at time....

    I'm not too old to do this. My friend that I mentioned earlier that used walking as first a fitness/weight loss tool was 49 when she started. One of my sisters ran a half marathon when she was 40. I don't know what the age range is of participants in this walk, but when you look at the videos and picture of those that accomplish it, you're not looking at an exclusive group of 20-something marathon runners. Anyone that has the motivation and committment can do this.

    I am too fat to do this. I'm back on my low-carb maintenance way of eating. I've lost 4 lbs since the first of the year (that's after losing the "easy" first few pounds in December). One of the motivations for doing this walk is that I need to re-lose that weight that I've lost before and I'll never do it just by changing my eating habits. I have to push away from the table, the computer, the tv, and the books and get Active.

    I am also currently too out of shape for this. The 3-day folks provide a good 24 week training program that starts out with the ability to walk 3 miles comfortably 4 times a week. That plan will need to kick in by April. The 3-day folks also organize training walks so that you can walk with others. To get started, I'm starting with 1 mile walks so that I can keep my foot and asthma problems in check. Twice, I've gone from zero to aggressive walking, only to be set back by inflamed heel spurs and shin splints. I'm trying to take a more moerate and diciplined approach this time.

So here's what I"m asking of anyone reading along:

  • If you can, make a contribution.
    http://www.the3day.org/atlanta07/beckycraft is my official contribution website.
    If you want to make a cash or check contribution, let me know and you can send it to me or I can provide you with a contribution envelope earmarked for my campaign.
    You can designate your contribution in honor of or in memory of someone.
    Check with your employer to see if they provide matching funds for charitble contributions. This is "free money" because corporations that offer this benefit are not only doing it for your favorite non-profits--they also get the tax credit benefit.
  • Tell Others What I'm Doing.
    Maybe you've contributed. Maybe you can't. Maybe you don't want to because this cause doesn't touch you or you're tapped out from too many requests for fundraising. Stop and think for a moment to see if there is anyone you can think of that might be interested in this--not just in me and my effort, but in the overall effort to end breast cancer. Please share this site or my emails with a friend or two.
  • Help me Brainstorm other fundraising ideas.
    The 3-day folks have some good fundraising ideas and for the moment, I'm starting with the "ask everyone you know" tactic. But if you have any ideas about ways that you've seen others raise money or ways that you might be able to help that do not involve writing a check--please let me know. As those ideas start to solidify, I might be asking for your help in other ways.
  • Want to walk?
    I'm going to be doing a lot of walking over the next 9 months. So whether you're interested in a moderate stroll, a strenuous powerwalk, or considering walking or crewing the 3-day walk yourself, let me know.


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